5th World Environmental Education Congress
Wed, Oct 22, 2008

Earth, our common home
Polar Year partners and circumpolar environmental educators are encouraged to consider participation at the World EE Congress in Montreal next May. There is a specific symposium planned for IPY and Polar Issues.
Please distribute to EE partners in other circumpolar nations.
The International Polar Year:
Canada is a circumpolar nation and participant in International Polar Year research and celebrations. This symposium provides an opportunity to invite environmental educators from other circumpolar nations to present their work (all strands), and to bring circumpolar perspectives into discussions. But this is also an important opportunity to initiate and foster North-South dialogues around one or more of the 3 congress questions.
Call for papers - http://www.5weec.uqam.ca/APPEL/index.asp
Deadline October 30