Hosted by The Embassy of Canada in Finland and the Finnish Institute
of Marine Research

Wednesday, January 21, 2009
at 08.45 – 17.00

At the Dynamicum Building (Conference rooms Aura and Aqua), Kumpula Campus Area, Erik Palmenin Aukio 1, 00560 Helsinki

The Arctic climate and environment are changing rapidly, and access to Arctic natural resources opens up new commercial opportunities in the region. As resource exploration and development increase, the volume of maritime traffic in the Arctic waters will grow. Consequently, questions related to safety, environmental protection and sustainability, and to security, sovereignty and territorial interests in the Arctic become more acute.

The seminar on “Shipping and Resource Development in the Arctic” will explore these questions from Canadian and Finnish perspectives. The seminar will focus on Arctic ports and shipping route development; Arctic vessel fleet development; and regulation and management of shipping in Arctic waters.

To view the intivation and program, go here.

For further information, please contact:
Seppo Vihersaari, Trade Commissioner, Embassy of Canada, Helsinki
Tel +358 9 2285 3352 or e-mail

Please confirm your participation before January 12, 2009 to