This year's special theme is quality assurance of higher education and the seminar is also the final dissemination seminar for a project on Developing quality assurance of higher education curriculum planning in Finland and Russia.
The seminar will bring together higher education professionals from both countries including colleagues from international offices, faculty, university leadership and student organizations. The seminar language will be English.
The seminar is jointly organized by the University of Turku, Saint Petersburg Association of Vice Rectors for International Affairs and Centre for International Mobility CIMO.
You can find more info about the seminar HERE

7th Seminar on Cooperation between Russian and Finnish Institutions of Higher Education
Thu, Oct 15, 2009

As in the previous seminars, the aim of the seminar is to provide a forum to discuss the current state and future perspectives of cooperation between Finland and Northwestern Russia, as well as to give an opportunity to foster existing cooperation arrangements and explore funding possibilities.