Applications are invited for a graduate scholarship directed towards evaluating climate change risks to indigenous cultural sites along North American coasts. The scholarship will fund two years of study in a Master of Science program at Texas A&M University, in the department of Ecosystem Science and Management. The program will begin in January, June, or August of 2010

Successful applicants will work with Rusty Feagin (Texas A&M University) and David Hurst Thomas (American Museum of Natural History). Students will create ranked listings of indigenous cultural sites at the highest risk of destruction from climate change impacts and are expected to develop research in climate change impacts on coastal regions, the preservation of indigenous cultural sites, and the use of geographic information systems (GIS) to address both natural and social science questions. The scholarship will also enable participation at meetings of the Coastal Barrier Island Network (CBIN), a research coordination network in biological sciences funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF).

To apply, please email Rusty Feagin ( a single file

- A cover letter explaining your interest in this scholarship;
- A CV or resume; and
- Contact information for three references.

Application Deadline: Friday, 30 October 2009.

For further information, please contact:
Rusty Feagin