The students will provide accurate specification of the surface wind fields in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas, which in turn will ultimately be used for oil spill risk analysis. The major components for this study include data collection (both in situ observations and satellite retrievals), model simulations (both sensitivity tests and long-term production simulation), and synthesis analysis of observational data and model simulations. The climatology, interannual variability, and long-term change in the features of the observed and modeled surface winds will be documented.
The department seeks dedicated candidates with a degree in atmospheric / geoscience, natural science, or other relevant subjects, including university level mathematics and physics. Modeling and programming experience is desirable. Applications will be accepted until both positions have been filled.
For more information about the positions, including application guidelines, please contact Jing Zhang.
Graduate Student Positions Available - Surface Wind Field Simulations
Mon, Feb 16, 2009