The Korea Polar Institute (KOPRI) announces the 16th International Symposium on Polar Sciences, to be held 10-12 June 2009 in Incheon, South Korea.
This year's theme is in celebration of the launch of a new icebreaker, the R/V Araon. Themes will focus on polar research that can be achieved on an icebreaker, particularly:
- Climate change and the ocean system;
- Paleoclimate;
- Hydrothermal vent systems; and
- Tectonics at polar ridges.
Abstracts are now being accepted for oral and poster presentations. Submissions must include an extended abstract with references and figures (not to exceed four pages). The deadline for submission of abstracts is Friday, 17 April 2009.
For further information, please visit
this site.
Or contact:
Sung-Hyun Park
Tae Siek Rhee