The successful candidate will conduct numerical modeling of relevant ice-ocean dynamics, guided by the ICORTAS field data, which includes measurements of upper ocean sea-ice drift and deformation, current structure, and remote sensing products. Scientific goals are to investigate:
- the high-frequency, near-inertial response of the coupled ice-ocean system to strong atmospheric forcing; and
- the shoaling and dissipation of near-inertial wave groups as they reach the continental shelf break.
By the time of hire, applicants must possess a PhD in physical oceanography or a related field from an accredited university, and have a strong research and publication record appropriate to their experience
and date of degree. To apply, please click on the 'Create Application' link at: Select a username and password to create your application, then click on 'Job Posting Search' and enter
position number 0058208.
Application Review Begins: Saturday, 8 August 2009. Position is open until filled.
For more information please go to:
Or contact:
Harper Simmons
Phone: 907-474-5729
Postdoctoral Position Available - Ice-Covered Ocean Response to Atmospheric Storms
Wed, Aug 05, 2009