Both polar regions have been affected by climate change. In the Arctic, communities living in the permafrost regions are especially confronted with many problems, and organizers especially welcome papers regarding its impacts on libraries and what can be done to enhance public understanding. Conference sessions are expected to include panel discussions of current topics as well as research presentations.

Potential topics include:

- Sustaining libraries during an economic crisis;
- Preservation of cultural heritage - collection management of photographs, films and oral recordings;
- The focus and impact of polar journals;
- Outreach of libraries and archives - use of new technologies for teaching and public interactions;
- Providing and accessing open access literature through institutional repositories and other means;
- The centenary of the historic dash for the South Pole by Scott and Amundsen;
- Adapting the library to 21st century needs;
- Growing role of ebooks;
- Innovative and customized services such as data publishing;
- Collaborations and exchanges; and
- Marketing the library.

Conference registration is required in order to present a paper.

Proposals must be emailed to: and should include the title, abstract (maximum 250 words), co-authors, presenters, chair (if applicable), and the applicant's email address. The PLC steering committee will notify applicants of acceptance by 16 April 2010.
For further details on the abstract submission process, please click on the 'Call for Proposals' link at:

Abstract Submission Deadline: Friday, 19 March 2010

For further information, please go to: