The Symposium will take place from May 17th and 18th , 2010 at the Amphithéâtre Hydro-Québec, Pavillon Alphonse-Desjardins, hosted by Laval University, Québec, Canada.

Key questions include: How do Arctic states' demands for sovereignty affect sustainable development? Beyond considerations of physical occupation, how are the social, cultural, and environmental aspects of development projects of a virtually undisturbed territory integrated with respect to intergenerational equity? How to evaluate the effects of Arctic development in the context of climate change, Inuit presence, and environmental fragility?

By examining the various works undertaken in the region, the symposium will gather experts and researchers wishing to lay the groundwork for a multidisciplinary field of study focused on the challenges of sustainable development and sovereignty in the Arctic.

* Sovereignty and International Law for Sustainable Development
* Urban Planning, Sharing Purposes and the Role of the State: The Preservation and Exploitation of the Arctic Environment
* The Governance of the Territory and the Rights of the Natives of the Arctic
* Conditions for Sustainable Economic and Social Development

This international symposium is organized in collaboration with l'Institut Hydro-Québec en environnement, développement et société (Institut EDS) and l'Institut québécois des hautes études internationales (HEI)

You will find more information and the registration procedure in our website:

Or contact the organizing committee at the following address:

Organizing committee:
Luzma Fabiola Nava Jiménez, HEI, Université Laval Cecile Pilarski, Faculté de droit, Université Laval Ivana Otasevic, Faculté de droit, Université Laval Rob Sharp, Faculté de droit, Université Laval

See the preliminary program for more details.