Persons with interest/experience in vegetative communities are particularly encouraged to apply. A MSc degree with a field-research-based thesis and substantial progress toward publication is required. Preference will be given to demonstrated self-starters; demonstrated analytical, computational, and GIS skills; demonstrated ability to work collaboratively and productively as members and leaders of interdisciplinary field teams in remote field settings under sometimes extreme conditions; strong quantitative skills in order to model vegetation with a dynamic vegetation model; and ability to formulate and successfully resolve original research questions within the overall area of investigation. Support will consist of approximately 80% Research Assistantship and 20% Teaching Assistantship, including tuition waivers and necessary field logistic support. The position is subject to continued USGS funding, for persons who maintain satisfactory progress.

For further information and application instructions, please contact:
Eugenie Euskirchen
Phone: 907-474-1958

Brad Griffith
Phone: 907-474-5067