The scientific section of AFT 2011 takes place from 26-28 January 2011, and is given the title:

“The Arctic in the Earth System perspective: the role of tipping points “

The scientific section is divided into 3 parts: 1. A joint and multi disciplinary first day with 10 invited speakers ending with a panel and plenum debate; 2. Four parallel sessions (included a poster session) on the second and third day; 3. A summary session ending with a plenum debate

The parallel sessions address 4 connected, interwoven and interdisciplinary themes:
• Sea ice and oceanographic perspectives
• Marine ecosystems and fisheries
• Socioeconomic and institutional perspectives
• People of the North

Interested scientists are invited to submit abstracts to one of these four sessions for both oral and poster presentations.

For more information download the complete Call for Papers on the AFT homepage