The National Science Foundation (NSF) invites investigators at U.S.organizations to submit proposals to conduct research about the Arctic.Arctic research includes field and modeling studies, data analysis, andsynthesis about the arctic region.

November 8-10, 2010Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Potsdam, GermanyAn international workshop to initiate the circumpolar integration of permafrost microbiological studies will take place in Potsdam (Germany) from November 8-10 2010. MicroPerm aims at establishing a research network bringing together e...

ICASS, the International Congress of the Arctic Social Sciences, is held every three years. The seventh congress will be held in Akureyri, Iceland, on June 22-26, 2011. The working title for ICASS VII is Circumpolar Perspectives in Global Dialogue: Social Sciences Beyond the IPY.

The Thematic Network of Social Work has released its July 2010 Newsletter, documenting the group's activities over the past several months. The Newsletter identifies many highlights of the Network, including the introduction of new courses and plans for an upcoming conference. Please view the newsletter here.

The Triple I project consortium, coordinated by the University of Turku, has got EU funding to continue the Erasmus Mundus mobility project with ten Russian and nine other European univresities. This project started in summer 2008, and so far over 450 students and researchers have got scholarships to study and work in one of...

The Board of Trustees of Ilisagvik College, Alaska’s only tribal college, invites applications and nominations for the position of President. Ilisagvik College is a small, locally controlled, public, institution, serving a very rural region of Alaska. It offers an exciting opportunity to work in a multicultural environment w...