
- research and generalization of the international and Russian experience of the IT technology implementation and innovation implementation in agrarian education and agricultural production for the development of Russian agro-industrial complex.


- searching for the most effective information and agrarian technologies for innovative type of an agriculture;
- accumulation of information for use in development of agriculture in the Northeast of Russia;
- establishment of international business ties with the agrarian high schools and establishments on manufacture and introduction of technologies for the agriculture;
- improvement of the experts training programs for agrarian sector of the Northeast of Russia;

Who should attend?

- Scientists
- Post-graduate students
- Experts
- Interested persons
Conference Sections

- Information technology in high school: modern trends, electronic methodical maintenance of educational process (electronic textbooks, video lectures, virtual textbooks and etc.)
- Information technology systems in agricultural production and implementation of innovations in agriculture.
- Information access improvements for the social and economic development of the rural areas: problems and prospects.
- Technical support of the modern village.

Date and Venue

Participants are kindly asked to submit their nomination and send the reports in the electronic version before 10 June 2011 for further publication. The registration form is provided in Annex 1. Participants will be provided with accommodations and meals in the Sanatorium-preventorium of the YSAA, arriving on June 1. From 2 to 5 July participants will be provided with accommodations and meals on cruise ship. Also you can select which hotel you would like to stay in during your visit and pay yourself using the following link - http://www.yakutiatoday.com/travel/hotels.shtml
Roundtrip airfare is not included. Participants should shoulder the costs of their own flight from origin country/province to Yakutsk town, as well as their overseas travel insurance and staying at the hotel.

The workshop will be conducted in Russian and English. Simultaneous interpretation from English to Russian and vice-versa will be provided.

Issuance of reports

Conference assumes internal and correspondence participation. Papers should be written in MS WORD for Windows-97/98/2000/2007. Page format: А4 (210-297 mm). The font to use will be Times New Roman with size 14 pt, 1 line spacing, and margins 2 cm on all sides. 1,25 cm indentation.
You also can include figures and tables but the figures size should be between 60´60 mm and 110x170 mm using format *jpg, *bmp.
Please write down: UDC, paper title (semibold, centre), report by (surname, name), organization name, city/town/village, country (using Russian or English) before headline of the report. The article should be accompanied by the annotation (3-5 sentences) and keywords (5-7 words) in language of your materials (if your materials is not in English, please write an annotation and key words in English) All formulas should be written without skipping from the left edge of the paper. Long formulas should be divided into 2-3 lines and have a size no more than 10 cm. Please use WORD and EXEL for tables, allowed size of the text font of the table is 12-14 pt. All references to the literature must be followed immediately by an indication of the source of the information that is referenced, (for example, by results of Petrov's researches [13, P. 55-67]). The list of references (not more than 15) at the end of your work should be by authors' surnames in alphabetical order.
In an electronic version of the report – each article should be placed in a separate file. Please write the surname of the first author and first three words of paper title in the file name. You can place several reports in one CD/DVD.
Please check your CD/DVD with anti-virus. Check your report spelling and grammar.
Attach your filled Participant Application (surname, name, degree level, occupation, place of work, address, contacts) to the report.
All authors must take public responsibility for the content of their paper.
Attention! The editorial board has the right to refuse publication of material deemed inappropriate.
The participation and publication of your materials is free.

Cultural programme of the conference includes participation on the national holiday «Ysyakh» - the Sakha people New Year. The Ysyakh celebration is the symbol of welcome summer and the awakening of nature, it is celebrated for several days in June, including the 21 June – summer solstice. Participants will have a great chance to participate in round dance Osoyokhay, kumyus drinking (kumyus is fermented mare’s milk), and to watch traditional sport competitions and horse racing. Also all conference participants will travel by cruise ship on the Lena River and have a short visit to the Lena Pillars National Park.

Mailing address:

Yakutsk State Agricultural Academy
Krasilnikova St., 15.
Yakutsk, Sakha Republic
677007 Russian Federation
prof@sakha.ru, yagsha@sakha.ru, mail_academy@mail.ru
Phone: +7-4112-35 78 45, +7-4112-35 82 35
Fax: +7-4112-35 78 13