Gail Fondahl will take over as IASSA president September 1, 2011.
Fondahl submitted a bid for the IASSA secretariat - to be hosted by
University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC), Prince George, Canada –
and won the bid at the election for IASSA secretariat held at the IASSA
General Assembly at ICASS VII in Akureyri. Three candidates were bidding
for the IASSA secretariat; UNBC, Yukon College, and University of
Nordland at Bodø.
After the announcement of the location of
the new secretariat, an election for IASSA council was held. Eight
councillors were elected, and Gail Fondahl was announced new president
by the newly elected IASSA council.
There are nine
councillors on the newly elected IASSA council: eight councillors were
elected by the General Assembly; and IASSA President Joan Nymand Larsen
(2008-2011) continues on the IASSA council as past president
Professor Gail Fondahl elected new IASSA president at ICASS VII
Tue, Jun 28, 2011
Professor Gail Fondahl, University of Northern British Columbia, Prince George, Canada, has been elected new IASSA president for the term 2011-2014. ICASS VIII will be held in 2014 in Prince George, Canada. The IASSA secretariat will be located at University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC) in Prince George.