Marina Kalinina, Vice-Rector for International Cooperation, gave an opening speech at the beginning of the course. She underlined the importance of developing linguistic competence necessary for lecturers’ educational and scientific activities.

Then Tarja Orjasniemi, Professor (CSW) from the University of Lapland, “Development of Cross-Border University / BCBU+” Project Coordinator welcomed the participants of this programme and wished everyone success in improving the English language skills.

The course trainer is Michael Hurd (the USA), the lecturer from the University of Lapland with a great experience in teaching English in different countries. The course programme includes the following modules: English for Lecturers (oral presentations), Academic Writing, Scientific Discussion. In addition, lecturers have tutoring hours for addressing specific needs in writing research articles in English and preparing professional portfolios.

The lecturers’ retraining course is held with financial support of “Development of Cross-Border University / BCBU+” Project
(, implemented by the university consortium since 2011 within EU-Russia Programme “European Neighbourhood Partnership Instrument – Kolarctic” ( under coordination of University of Lapland (Finland). The course will be attended by representatives of Murmansk
State Humanities University, Murmansk State Technical University, Petrozavodsk State University, Karelian State Pedagogical Academy, Northern State Medical University, as well as lecturers from NArFU institutes: Pedagogy, Psychology and Social Work Institute, Mathematics and Computer Science Institute, Theoretical and Applied Chemistry Institute. eng rus