The 3-week program includes lectures, workshops and field work on physical geography, human geography, northern studies, resource management, biology, permafrost study. You can get a scientific view on interdisciplinary approach of northern studies, visit science laboratories, archaeological museums, zoology museums. You will get a great opportunity taking participation in summer filed school. Program includes: physical and human geography, flora and fauna of Yakutia, Geo-information systems and Cartography, regional development and resource management, permafrost studies and landscape management, Social health of northern people.
Who can participate: international undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate students, scientists, teachers and researchers.
Instructors: Highly qualified university professors, researchers, scientists who has wide international fields work experience and participated in international programs.
Duration: 3 weeks
Arrival: 20 June 2013
Departure: 11 July 2013
Participation fee: 1000 $ (living, 3-meals a day, health/medical care, museums)
Deadline for registration: 30.03.2013
Department of Northern studies NEFU, Irina Dranaeva
mobile: +7-924-868-2585
Interdisciplinary summer field school “Cold Lands” hosted by department of Northern studies at NEFU
Thu, Jan 17, 2013
North-Eastern Federal University in Yakutsk, Russia is organizing the interdisciplinary summer field school, 'Cold Lands' June 20-July 11, 2013. Registration deadline is March 30, 2013.