We welcome papers that discuss this subject both on a general
level and based on case studies. We would also welcome papers that
discuss alternative theoretical frameworks and why these are preferred.
Paper abstracts may be sent by e-mail to Marte Spangen at
marte.spangen@ark.su.se by December 15, 2013. The abstracts should be
limited to 150 words.
Call for papers: Sámi archaeology and postcolonial theory session at Nordic TAG 2014
Fri, Nov 22, 2013
The fourteenth Nordic Theoretical Archaeology Group conference (Nordic TAG) will be held at Stockholm University
on April
2014. We wish to invite you to submit paper abstracts for our session "Sámi archaeology and postcolonial theory". The session concerns the use, lack of use, and possible value of postcolonial theory in Sámi archaeology, as well as what Sámi archaeology can contribute to the development of theory.