Summer school announcement; “Shipping in Arctic Water”

The NVP-Nansen summer school 2013 “Shipping in Arctic Water: The interaction of sea ice, ship technology, climate change, economy and other operational conditions” will be organized in Longyearbyen on  Svalbard from 18th to 25th August. Graduate & postgraduate students are invited to submit applications for participation by 15th April 2013. Participation is based on individual applications from Ph.D. students and Post-docs in the fields of Arctic Climate, Arctic Resources, Maritime Transport and Geopolitics. Up to 30 graduate and post-graduate students from different countries and research topics will be selected based on an evaluation of their applications. The application deadline is 15th April 2013. Applications should be sent to with the subject: “Application summer school 2013”.  The selected candidates will be notified by mid May. More information here