The purpose of the conference is to provide a forum for policy-makers and academics to deliberate on how the security, resilience and sustainability of the globalized Arctic region and its peoples may be enhanced, and what instruments of governance may most suitably contribute. The conference will spell out (1) how the different relevant dimensions of security (military, economic, environmental, energy and human security) manifest themselves in the governing/governance arrangements in the Arctic; (2) how the challenges associated with each manifest themselves, individually and together; and (3) what forms of governing arrangements can best help to address the challenges. The conference will also focus on (4) how the Nordic countries and nations, including Greenland, the Faroe Islands and Aaland Islands, may contribute to the peace, stability and prosperity of the Arctic region through collaborative efforts based on their shared social, human, environmental and democratic values.
Among invited plenary speakers and debaters: Prof. Michael Byers (University of British Columbia), Prof. John Mearsheimer (University of Chicago), Prof. Rob Huebert (University of Calgary), Prof. Alexander Sergunin (University of St. Petersburg), Prof. Lassi Heininen (University of Lapland), Prof. Kirstine Offerdal (Norwegian College of Defence Studies), Prof. Else Broderstad (University of Tromsø - The Arctic University of Norway), Prof. Minik Rosing (Copenhagen University), Prof. Stephane Roussel (École nationale d’administration publique, Montreal), Prof. Anders Mosbech (Aarhus University), Prof. Ellen Margrethe Basse and Prof. Søren Rysgaard (Aarhus University/Manitoba). A number of other distinguished speakers have been invited to contribute to the panels and workshops.
The conference is organized by a number of Nordic universities and academic research academies. It is connected with the GlobalArctic project initiated by the Northern Research Forum devoted implementing an interplay between science and politics. Among its institutional partners are also the Danish ministries of foreign affairs, defence and research, the Folketing and the Nordic Ministerial Council.
For more information, visit the conference website.