About the Arctic Initiative Fellowship:

Fellows are expected to pursue research that relates to the priorities of the Arctic Initiative: addressing the challenges and opportunities associated with the effects of climate change in the Arctic. A special focus is on exploring to what extent existing governmental and international policies, programs, laws, and regulations are adequate and appropriate to address the evolving challenges and opportunities in the Arctic, and to consider how they can be improved.

In the 2019-2020 academic year, we will prioritize policy-focused proposals on:

  1. The Arctic Ocean (e.g. addressing environmental issues with a focus on marine litter, including plastic pollution, ocean acidification and biodiversity; natural resource management and efficient utilization of marine resources; international and scientific collaborations and challenges and opportunities for indigenous communities); and
  2.  Infrastructure in the Far North (e.g. connectivity; tourism; transportation; shipping; and renewable energy in remote communities – including environmental and economic impacts and exploring ways to increase the resilience of and sustainable development for local Arctic communities and the ecosystems upon which they depend).


For more information on application guidelines and materials, see here.

For more information on the Arctic Initiative, see here.