EU-PolarNet 2 seeks support from the European Polar Community to develop ideas for concrete research activities.

The project is funded by Finnish National Agency for Education (EDUFI) project grant “Team Finland Knowledge”. The project focuses on development of online teaching in collaboration with Education University of Hong Kong and University of Lapland.

INTERACT (International Network for Terrestrial Research and Monitoring in the Arctic) has in cooperation with APECS (Association of Polar early Career Scientists) the pleasure of launching the first ever comprehensive platform on permits and regulations relevant to scientific fieldwork in all Arctic Council member states. 

The diverse and distributed nature of observing systems in polar regions presents a fundamental challenge for assessment, planning, integration, and synthesis. There is an interest in creating overviews of these systems, since this, among other things, will allow more efficient use of facilities and allow for the understandin...

Arctic State Agrotechnological University is happy to announce upcoming Online International Summer School on the theme: «Sustainable development of rural areas» in cooperation with local regional educational institutions — Arctic State Institute of Culture and Arts, Churapcha State Institute of Physical culture and Sports on...